I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.
-John D. Rockefeller

Codes of Honor


We wanted to create something that gave education and showed value on good techniques for all anglers.  So we created a “hat”  that we randomly choose to give  (for free) to anglers that are being good examples and showing good ethics with our fishery.  You cannot purchase these hats….ever.  They are “Earned not Given”.  We both are fortunate to be in the position to endure any cost this brings and it will never be about the money. This is a badge of Honor.  

We need a culture change, and we wanted to create something that made it ok to be different.  Part of wearing this badge is doing your part to educate the future, using good ethics and judgement.  Learning how to proper catch , revive and release. Be ing a good example to our future generations. We have created a Code of Honor,  This shows our expectations and at the very least to be shared as new normal standard that needs to be established.

 We have a platform that can be used to educate, and that’s what we should be doing, not just posting a pic or hash tag but talk about it, what it means to you, why you do it, and educate because people learn that way, be a good example.  Make some effort to be a influence in a change that is much needed.

We have a lot of good things coming soon, that will reward those that are part of the movement and also give opportunity to those that want to be part of it.  Continue to tag us on your activity, we are always looking. 


Hit me up!

Want some plugs or have a question? Send me an email or contact me on the form to the left.   Tight Lines!